Central Heating

About our Central Heating Services

Central HeatingFrom the installation of a brand new 'A' rated system, the updating of an existing system or extending an existing system, we can offer you any package to suit your requirements. We have a full range of products available to suit varying budgets.

For over 30 years we have been designing and installing heating systems throughout the area, with a wide range of boilers, radiators and controllers available from across the UK, we can offer an individual tailored package to suit every bodies tastes and budgets.

New 'A' rated boilers are now 90% efficient, this could save you hundreds of pounds on your energy bills over the coming years whilst at the same time produce lower levels of greenhouse gases, so helping the environment.

For free advice and quotation call us on 07887 771034 or fill in our contact form and we will get back to you.

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